Friday, February 29, 2008

Me Gusta Target Botique

Lovelies, as many of you know, being a Minnesota native comes with a few distinct characteristics.

1. You know that traveling is measured in minutes, not miles. (ie. "It's 20 minutes from Bloomington to St. Paul")
2. The New Macys (formerly Marshall Fields) will now & forever be remembered as Dayton's. And it's OK if you're still bitter... I know I am.
3. And finally - you love going to Target and anticipate each "Target Run" with much eagerness.

So, when I moved to NY a great sadness took over, because there was NO TARGET ON THE ISLAND OF MANHATTAN!!!!! (God save us all.)

Now I don't want to have to schlep my cookies all the way to Brooklyn to get my fix of "Hello. Good Buy." But, let's be honest here - this rule that the City of New York seems to have of no super chains SUCKS!!! (If any of you want to know, there's some grandfathered-in clause where the city doesn't want big superstores to move into NY unless they're specialty stores like Home Depot or Container Store. This means no W.T. Wal-Marts (which we all can be happy for) but sadly also, no Targets.) Sigh.

To get my weekly fix, I now visit the online store! Today I got a BEAUTIFUL dress! (see above) And I'm really jazzed about it!

Also, I want this cute dress above, too! God love Isaac Mizrahi! (and P.S. - his shoes are cute, too!)

Oh, and in case all of you are wondering - I didn't go to Ave. Q audition today.

I slept in instead.....

...and it was HEAVENLY!!


  1. I am so addicted to Target it isn't even funny. I loved your Minnesota Target comments, because as a Midwesterner, I totally relate.

    Issac M. is a god among mortals. No doubt.

  2. Another midwesterner here! Love Target. I actually thought of your post when I hit up the store on saturday for the basics. Have a good week!

  3. I would die without a Target to frequent! I would need to online shop A LOT!

    Your heart picture made me sad, it needs a big band-aid!

    Hope tomorrow is better!

  4. I DO miss Target on this damn island! But I can't blame the big chains for avoiding what I can only imagine would be outrageous rents for the space required.

    Hel-looooo no more good buys!
