Saturday, January 31, 2009

2009 list of To-Do's

Lovelies, I have finally come up with my top 10 list of things I'd like to accomplish this year:

1. Re-vamp my website. (new look, new photos, new demo songs)

2. Do a folk concert/cabaret

3. Lose 10 more pounds to be at goal weight of 130. (It will happen - thank you blessed Weight Watchers & my journal!)

4. Learn 10 new songs

5. Read at least one book a month.

6. Run at least one baby marathon (we're talkin' like a 5K here people - not a half marathon. Yet.)

7. Call my Grandma's, Auntie's, Cousin's & Parents more.

8. Start a Roth IRA and save an additional $3000 in my savings throughout the year.

9. Laugh more (last year I had smile more on my list - so I'm taking the next step this year!)

10. Be more open to life events in general. I still love musical theatre, but I do want to keep myself open to the idea that I might have either a big show, big relationship or other life changes that might guide me into fantastic directions I'd never dreamed of before!

(can I do a bonus on the list this year??? I think so.)

11. Do everything in my power to get an agent. (Classes/ seminars/ mailings/ asking friends to walk in my stuff)

I now toast to 2009, my lovelies! AND To the fabulous, ever-changing, wonderful & zesty life I get to call my own! Hooray!

I Wanna See It!!!

Lovelies, I'll blog more tomorrow, but for now - here's two movies I REALLY want to see! (and you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll be seeing them opening weekends, respectively!)

1. Confessions of a Shopaholic (I'm reading the book right now! Great book - actually the story is British, which I think is MUCH more tres chic than regular old Plain Jane American!)

2. He's Just Not that Into You. (Lord only knows how this'll come off in movie format, but hopefully it'll provide me with some laughs...)

Finally, I went to see New in Town tonight - and it was campy, silly & fun! Not a five out of five stars, but perhaps a 3.5 -- but because it's a movie about Minnesota it might raise itself to a full four stars out of five in my book!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Good Callbacks CAN happen to Bad Auditions!

Lovelies,  Good News!  I got a callback for Totem Pole Playhouse!  Hooray!  And guess what - I TOTALLY biffed the audition!  

I walked into the room & was confident as can be - sang the majority of my song and then lovelies, as the song is ending, I forgot that I made a cut in the music!  D'OH!  So - I kept singing the wrong part...  Then I realized what I was doing - and totally said "Wow!  Dudes I've never done that before - you're witnessing a once only event!"  and the director said "You should try again!"  and the second time was OK - I didn't mess up the end!  

And guess what - I got the FREAKIN' CALLBACK!

They're doing "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change" which is quite possibly one of the funniest shows ever!  And I'm called back for it!  Exciting - and the contract is very respectable!  :)  I could totally deal with spending a month in the beautiful Caledonia State Park in Pennsylvania where the playhouse is located!  

Here's to screwing up the audition but still getting the callback!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

It Comes & It Goes...

Lovelies!  I'm so proud of myself!  I gave 2 ROCKIN' auditions this morning!  Boo-yah!

The first one was for the Westchester Broadway Theatre.  They were doing Titanic the Musical and cut the freaking Chorus Call from 16 bars to 8 bars!  WTF??!!  How on earth am I supposed to show them how GREAT I am in a measly 8 bars??!!  

And get this - I ripped the seat of my pants WIDE OPEN right before I had to get in the line to audition!  Uugh!  (Thank God I had another pair of black stretchy pants in my bag!)  

But never fear, my lovelies!  I thought "Well, since I did so poorly yesterday I MUST give a good showing today!"  And I DID!  It went great!  I sang my belty-modern music theatre number and got a TON of compliments from the creative team AND the accompanist!  Hooray!

The second audition was for the Depot Theatre/ Hanger Theatre season!  I sang my Aretha Franklin "rock-it-out" song!  Went great!  My favorite pianist Marky-Mark was in the room and it just made my day better to have someone on "Team Miss Musical" in the room!  

Love that, Lovelies!  Love THAT!

Now I'm off to my friend's bi-weekly cabaret "Big Night Out" hosted by the Fabulous Miss Jennifer Wren!  

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Blase is the word of the day!

Lovelies, the definition of Blase is apathetic to pleasure or excitement as a result of excessive indulgence or enjoyment. 

 This is how I felt this morning when I was doing my audition for White Plains Performing Arts Center - they were doing the musical "A Little Night Music".  

I had such high hopes going into the audition and then it all just fell apart at the end of the song when I was supposed to hit my glorious high notes!  Well, it didn't totally fall apart - I still hit the notes, I just wasn't "in the room" - kind of having a weird out-of-body moment!  Uugh.

But I think we all have to have our blase days to appreciate the great days, right??  

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Such a bummer!

Lovelies, I've been so busy with auditions and work - there has been almost no time to blog! (let alone do my laundry!)  

... and also Lady of the House hired my friend H.Co to help me with personal assistant work - so I'm now spending most of my days not in front of my computer, but running all sorts of glamorous errands to Walgreen's, J.Mendel Furs, NY Kids Club and the like....

I will try and be better at blogging - I still haven't made my list of 10 things I'd like to do in 2009 - I did that last year and got 8 out of the 10 accomplished!  (the biggies like Run a Marathon & Open a Roth IRA will show up again on this years list!)

Finally - my apologies about the lame background!  My FAVORITE website (the cutest blog on the block) for free blog backgrounds is DOWN!  (Tragedy...)  Cross your fingers that it will be up & running soon!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Prop 8: the Musical

Lovelies! Happy New Year! 2008 was a year full of wonderful ups & downs but happily, it's come to a close and a new & fabulous 2009 is underway!

I was fiddling around on You Tube today when I came across Prop 8 the musical. Now, I've heard a lot of my friends talking about this - and was very pleased by the outcome!

It's VERY funny! Especially the shrimp cocktail part!

Hopefully Prop 8 will soon be a thing of the past & people who love each other (despite lifestyle choice) will be able to get married!