Thursday, September 18, 2008

This weeks Audition Update!

Lovelies...  I just noticed that I blogged about everything under the sun EXCEPT for auditions! 

SO, here's a recap of my past week.  Ready, Set, GO!

Last Thursday I auditioned for a company called Mill Mountain Theatre.  They're doing one of my favorite shows "Spitfire Grill" and I think I'm pretty great for the part of Percy.  (It's dramatic AND has a great range of well written songs - I freakin' LOVE that show...)  It went great!  I sang Mill work by James Taylor and really rocked it out in the room!  They said "Thank you SO much for coming in, Miss Musical!  You were great!"  Gotta feel good about that!

OH, and last Wed. I went to the Wicked principal audition and sang my little heart out!  (I love my uptempo Soprano song!)  My fav. pianist Marky was playing.  He's the best!  And the handsome P.Goods was in the room representing Telsey & Co.  He suggested a song for me & talked to me for a few minutes after I sang.  Wow - how GREAT to have them talk to me like I'm a human!  (But then today I got typed out of the Chorus Call - balls....)

Also, I tried out for Spamalot on Tuesday.  I think I'd make a fierce Lady of the Lake.  But I never get called back for it - and I gave a wonderful audition for Merri and she said so in the room!  (I sang my contemp. driving ballad - I just love singing it!  My imaginary scene partner is someone who I'm crazy head over heels for in real life and I get to tell him I love him in the song!  It's great!)  I also did the same audition song for Mary Poppins last week - Eric Woods said I did a great job in the room with that song!  

The compliments are nice - now I just want the callbacks! (and then to book the show!)  It WILL happen my lovelies, just not on the timeline that I want....


  1. That's a lot of auditions! Compliments are generally a good sign, aren't they? Best of luck. I'm sure good stuff is coming your way. :o)
