Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I'd Put Him in the Boot of My Car (if you know what I'm sayin'!)

Oh, Husband. Must you be on this silly TV show....

Lovelies, I was in the midst of taxes hell last night and waiting for The Bachelor: London Calling to come on TV.

It didn't! (Tragedy!) They put on Samantha Who instead!! I was miffed, but what can you do?!

I'm a little in love with the Bachelor as he doesn't seem like a royal asshole like the rest of the Bachelors - he is always kind & respectful to the girls and seems to be genuinely looking for his wife and not just happily parading around with his harem of women.

Hmm... too good to be true?? Perhaps. But why is it called REALITY TV then? Shouldn't it be dubbed "Not quite reality TV?" or "This vision is eschewed TV"? Oh, ABC, you ruffle my feathers sometimes!
(Plus I wonder if he's so nice because he was an unattractive child or anti social child. Usually people who have a chance of getting called "Matty the Fatty" end up being more kind to others in their adulthood. Either that or serial killers. I'll take option number one.)

Funny thing is that I actually applied to be on this season of the Bachelor. They didn't even send me a Thanks, but No Thanks e-mail. Another strike against ABC.

On a good note I went to H&R block today and found out what Santa Claus does in the off season - TAX REFUNDS!! I worked with a lovely man named John, who looks a little like Santa, and he got me back money! Hooray!

Now after the H&R Block fee I'm not getting back that much, but WHO CARES??!! My taxes are DONE! And it feels so good to say that!

As my mom would say "That's a nice feather to stick in your cap!"

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that is a good feeling! I was a bit annoyed when told that I didn't qualify for GW's economic stimulus program because I didn't have a HIGH enough income (WTF?!) but I did get a good refund, so I'm smiling to the bank :)

    Now if I could just find a bachelor who would DO those taxes for me on a yearly basis...
