Thursday, December 25, 2008

Newsflash: Miss Musical finds out she's a Jew! (and Merry Christmas to that!)

Lovelies! I had some news today that shocked & excited me: my great-great grandmother on my mom's side was a Jewess! I never knew that before today!
We were all just sitting around the table this fine Christmas morning with my Grandma Ruth and talking about the Leonard Bernstein concerts that are happening soon in Minneapolis when Grandma says "Oh, my Great Grandmother had that same last name as the fella with those concerts. She was a Jew."

WHAT??? I have been chosen all this time & I never even knew it!!!

I guess it works where the Jewish-ness is passed along down through the women - and so even though we thought we were all Christian & such, we're not. My brother & I are fo'-sho' Jewish.

Exciting news!

So where do I go from here?

Do I convert? Maybe.

Do I start eating challah bread? Yes!

Do I sign up for J-Date? Feasible!

I feel so surprised & delighted by this news! I AM chosen after all! Hooray! (but I still love me some Jesus - but that's OK, cause he was a Jew too!)
Happy Birthday Jesus! -- Which I like to pronounce "Hey-soouse" - like the Spanish say it!

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