Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'm REALLY Mad today!!!

Grr lovelies.... I'm really pissed off right now. All on account of my friend Espresso Genius - who is now demoted to Espresso Guy.

I just got off the phone with him and he's taken 2 of the holiday activities that I thought we were supposed to do together (or that I thought he was reserving for me, as I am only home for 2 weeks and then gone for another 4 months) and is taking someone else for BOTH!

When he came to visit me in NYC at the beginning of December I told him "Gee, I'd like to go to a Wild game when I'm home." He is taking someone else to the ONE FRICKIN' GAME that he & I are both available for! I also told him "I had such a nice time shopping with you last year - let's make that happen again!" and guess what lovelies - he's got SOMEONE ELSE to go shopping with him!

Seriously - WHAT THE FUCK??? My "friends" don't do this to me... Usually my "friends" are thoughtful and sensitive people who think ahead as to when I'm coming home & invite me to partake in Holiday activities that we did in previous years!

I know it may seem like a little thing, but I was looking forward to it in my mind and I'm just really disappointed that Espresso "so-called-friend" Guy didn't even take the time to think "Gee- I wonder if Miss Musical would like to see a Wild game when she's home?? She told me she did, so that would mean of course that she still wants to go!" (I took him to a freakin' RANGER game for christsake!) and "OH, and Miss Musical won't be home for another 4 months so wouldn't it be a nice friendly gesture of me to ask her shopping."

Pissed. Off.

And the worst part is that I totally didn't give him the what-for on the phone! I was just Miss Minnesota-Nice Musical! UUGH!! I'm so mad at myself for controlling my emotions - what kind of an actress am I if I can't fly off the handle with my friends??

Please lovelies, if you have any ideas to help me get over my little anger today let me know... I'm debating on forwarding him the link to this blog... Grrr......

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