Monday, October 20, 2008

Wonders of a child....

Lovelies, I was on nanny duty this afternoon. I decided to make the most of the beautiful day here in NYC and took the 2 year old munchkin, Henny Penny, to the zoo in Central Park. They have a petting zoo area and he mooed like a cow for a good 20 minutes when were were by the cow. Brilliant child.

As he's mooing Henny Penny turns to me and says "See Auntie Musicl, I speak cow!"

I lost my shit. It was SO funny!!!

And then he continued mooing....

Sometimes I wish I could live with the abandon that he does. He does not care what others think of him, only that they like him. He feels no shame or awkwardness in mooing for 20 minutes in front of perfect strangers. But the part I admire the most is how freely he gives his love.

I hold my love back a lot of the time. With my friends, family and potential sutiors. What am I so freakin' afraid of that keeps me from spouting off my feelings that comes so naturally to this relatively new-to-earth boy??


Best part of the day BY FAR was when we were walking home and he turns around in his stroller...

Henny Penny: "Auntie Musical?"

Me: "Yes, muffin?"

Henny Penny: "I love you."

Me: "Thanks, buddy! I love you, too!"

(as this is not cute enogh he keeps going)

Henny Penny: "No, Auntie Musical. I don't just love you, I LOVE you."
I promptly stopped the stroller, went in front and gave him a hug! Was the best feeling ever! He teaches me so much everyday!

Tomorrow I get to audition again for Wicked... We'll see how the green machine goes this time around...


  1. Aww - how cute!

    Good luck for your Wicked audition. Break a leg! :0)

  2. Awwwww.... that kind of makes me like children. How sweet. Break legs on the Wicked audition.


  3. Too cute! I just don't get it, but kids hate me. Really I think I'm just scared.

    Best wishes for Wicked. You'd be the perfect Glinda!
