Monday, October 6, 2008

Good news, cold cash and new fish!

Lovelies, it never fails to amaze me how I can just go about my life thinking it's great and then it gets even BETTER!  

Case in point:  I got a raise.  Today!  YIPPEE!!! (Mo' Money!)  Always a wonderful feeling to be acknowledged for your work with a nice plumping of the paycheck!  

(and I was just praying the other day "God, please give me the means to pay off my credit card bill!" and look lovelies - He DOES listen!)

And I think it's time to get a pet.  A fish.

I need something to love although I still miss two gold fish I had previously: (Johnny Cash - the fish in black and Freida Kahlo, my fish with a uni-brow).  I had little voices for them and I had this whole back story that Freida would sit in her little grotto and smoke cigarettes all day while pining after Johnny...  And Johnny would go up to the front of the tank and say "Hi.  My name's Johnny Cash." and swim to the back of the tank. 

Am I sad that I made up a back story to my fish??  

Maybe a little...  But what's even more sad is that I missed the Blessing of the Pets last week in my church... (see below)  

1 comment:

  1. It is not sad at all that you've made up back stories to your fish.

    In other news, tag! You're it.
