Saturday, January 31, 2009

2009 list of To-Do's

Lovelies, I have finally come up with my top 10 list of things I'd like to accomplish this year:

1. Re-vamp my website. (new look, new photos, new demo songs)

2. Do a folk concert/cabaret

3. Lose 10 more pounds to be at goal weight of 130. (It will happen - thank you blessed Weight Watchers & my journal!)

4. Learn 10 new songs

5. Read at least one book a month.

6. Run at least one baby marathon (we're talkin' like a 5K here people - not a half marathon. Yet.)

7. Call my Grandma's, Auntie's, Cousin's & Parents more.

8. Start a Roth IRA and save an additional $3000 in my savings throughout the year.

9. Laugh more (last year I had smile more on my list - so I'm taking the next step this year!)

10. Be more open to life events in general. I still love musical theatre, but I do want to keep myself open to the idea that I might have either a big show, big relationship or other life changes that might guide me into fantastic directions I'd never dreamed of before!

(can I do a bonus on the list this year??? I think so.)

11. Do everything in my power to get an agent. (Classes/ seminars/ mailings/ asking friends to walk in my stuff)

I now toast to 2009, my lovelies! AND To the fabulous, ever-changing, wonderful & zesty life I get to call my own! Hooray!

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