Friday, April 24, 2009

Summertime! And the living is... well, pretty easy!

Lovelies, spring has sprung here in NYC!  Finally!  I am giddy because of the sunshine and all I want to do is go to Blockheads open air cafe and have one of these salivating-inducing drinks!


AND lovelies, I just did two auditions this morning that ROCKED!  (at least I felt like they rocked - I'm not so sure either company was that into me, but darn it, I did a great job!  Who wouldn't want to hire me?!)

So the first audition was 101 Dalmatians (not the Disney movie, the book version - where the female dog that's Pongo's love interest isn't named Perdita, but instead named Missus!  Shocking!  AND the place where "the Dearly's" live is the exact spot where I lived when I studied in London!)  

The main casting director WALKED OUT of the audition building 10 minutes before I sang -- WTF?!  So I had to sing for the Music Director and the lovely casting associate.  They were very nice.

And then I tried out for Westchester Broadway Theatre's production of I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change.  I sang my Mary Tyler Moore song for that - went VERY well for me, but the people behind the table couldn't give two hoots about me.  They looked like they wanted to go outside & be in the sun as much a I did!  

Then it was off to work for the Lady of the House on the UES.  I love my job as an assistant!  I got to hand deliver presents today and work on photo albums!  God bless it!  

OH, and I got this today in the pale yellow color!  (along with the matching undies!)  SOOOO cute, lovelies!  (and push-up-riffic!)

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