Sunday, April 12, 2009

Loves & Losses

Lovelies, I have been on a few dates over the past few weeks. Two to be exact.

I enjoyed the company of both of the fellas, but I just didn't get the "zing" from them. I feel like the "zing" is a very important thing, as you have to have a little physical attraction towards the person, right? (and believe you me, lovelies, I don't need a perfect 10. I have been attracted to some pretty nice 5's...)

But the first of these two dudes took me out for a quick cocktail after work. I had my class way over on 37th and 10th. He works on 63rd and 3rd. I asked to meet in the middle & for him to pick the place. He picked a little pub on 51st and 2nd. (Is that in the middle, you may ask?? Why, NO! It's NOT! It's a butt-ass long way from 37th and 10th that requires 2 train transfers and a bit of walking!) Uugh. I should've picked.

So, number one was nice and attentive & seemed VERY nervous. I just wanted to have a drink & chill. He however seemed to need to ask me questions & then not wait for the answers, but just carried on talking about his stuff. Now don't get me wrong - it was all nice stuff - and you could tell he was a kind man, but c'mon.... Kind does not a "zing" create. (ALTHOUGH it helps dramatically to bring it along if there's physical potential).

Guy number two was also lovely & he had a GREAT date all set up for us! He got tickets to see Rigoletto at the Met opera - how cool is that? I enjoy opera, so this was a great date choice for me. We had excellent phone chemistry, but unfortunately he didn't match the pictures that he had put up online.

The evening was a smashing success - we even went to the restaurant La Goulue after for dessert, but unfortunately I just couldn't get over the fact that he was so much older than me. And that age, lovelies, I just couldn't get over.

The online pictures looked a little less weathered. Ah, such is life. But I told him that we could hang out again, sans making out. He seemed OK with that and actually sent me a nice text message today - truly is a kind gentleman.

I hope that I will find someone who gives me the zing, lovelies. And one who is kind, calls me frequently and is thrilled to plan fun dates for us to go on! It will happen. Right? Right??

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