Friday, August 27, 2010

Ode to a Puppy...

Oh, lovelies... I swore I would never turn into one of those people that talks about their dog all the time, and here I am.  In Dog-Talking-Non-Stop-Mode.

I'm so annoyed with myself... but I secretly love it!

The poor Tall Englishman has heard non-stop "Who's a good girl?!", "Who wants a treat!", and his personal favorite "No, NO!  Crumpet!  No licking mommies ass!" as I clean up the poo on the floor....

Oh, dogs.  I love 'em.  But having one of your own is HARD WORK!  But so rewarding!  Last night she went on her piddle pad and I nearly cried I was so proud!  She's been pretty good at learning how to pee & poop on the pad - but she can't quite figure out that we go poop and pee outside.  Hopefully my mom's dog Marley will teach her how to poop an pee outside when we go to my parents house in Cake Eater, MN tomorrow....

Her first airplane ride.  I'm a little nervous, but also very excited to bring her home!  Here she was in her raincoat...  We couldn't get her fur wet for 2 days, as she had her frontline flea & tick medicine on her neck!

Here's hoping she doesn't howl all the time on the airplane!  Or poo.  Or yack... I have a feeling I might be cleaning up some puppy puke on the plane...