Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wanna play Doctor??

Lovelies, I went into the Al Hirshfield clinic today. I love the Al Hirshfield, as it's sponsored by the Actor's Fund (which means I don't have to pay for my exams) and the main Doctor - Dr. S - is a really sweet older dude who is very easy to work with.
Well, today I went in to have my lady bits looked at. (Not pretty, I know lovelies...) So this is embarrassing enough, right? And I usually don't have a problem with these types of exams - it's old hat now...

But Dr. Spears said to me walking in "Well, I have a 3rd year medical student with me today from Columbia and was wondering if he could ask you the questions pre-exam and then stay for the examination." I said "Yes, of course." because I want to be of service to the medical community, and if me and my lady bits can help further someones education, EXAMINE AWAY!

However, the med student then walked in the door. And he was HOT! I'm not talking like beach guy hot, I'm talking nerdy, book loving, boy-next-door HOT (which is SO much better than beach hot, in my opinion). And he had this lovely dark hair and these magnificent teal-blue eyes... I got a little icky in my yuckies...

Lovelies, I repeated FUCKBALLSCRAPSACK to myself in my head, while smiling and saying polite howdy-do's. Why do I have to have a hot med school doctor?? NOT FAIR - I can't explain my problems to a hot med student, now known as HMS, without acting like a total fool!

So Dr. Spears leaves us to the pre-exam questions and this guy was so thorough with his questions, but I got embarrassed when he was like "when was the last time you had sex?" and I had to say "Two years ago... Sigh." and he said "I know that sigh." (OMG - cute HMS is funny, too?? ) I tried to be funny back, but what can you say to a hot cute med student who is going to be looking at your cooch in 5 minutes. He was so kind & sweet & took crazy detailed notes...

And then the exam came with Dr. S and HMS. And guess what - it was his first OB/GYN type of appointment he'd ever done (not Dr. S, but the Hot M.) And, (oh this is awful lovelies) I actually said to them "Well, I haven't had my wax yet this month, so my apologies for any crazy hair growth you might find!" WTF?! Why do I say these stupid things when a hot young dude is around... Sigh.
I wanted to ask HMS out for coffee or drink, but I decided against it. Why would he buy the cow when you've seen the milk for free?? ... if that makes any sense.
Mortified is the new word of the day.


  1. LOL - oh my god! That was funny! The wax-thing could have been from me....
    You should have asked him out. Hey, what to lose? He already saw everything....:-)

  2. that sounds like the same med student i saw last october! when i came home from thailand and had to get my leg looked at. ridiculously hot student helping him out. phew... and here's my leg, nasty, red, swollen, pusstuous, itchy.... yea, why must this always happen to us ladies? haha

  3. I know how you feel 100% on this one! How come when you break an arm or a leg, you get just any old doctor, but as soon as its something like this, he's hot?
    I've had a couple of these experiences, one with a pelvic exam and one requiring a shirt off. I call him Doctor Hottie, and in my dreams, he's my husband LOL
