Lovelies, I want the great events to happen in my life NOW!
I want to get married NOW. I want to have a family NOW. I don't want to wait another year, week or day.
I want my husband to show up so I can start having a life with him. I want to have munchkin Musicals before my eggs dry up in 8 years (Plus I want to be a hot mom - you know that mom who was the hot mom in your elementary school class - how she was the envy of all the kids as the "cool mom".)

WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!?! I have an agenda to keep here.
And PS lovelies, all of this is coming on because I'm in love with a friend who will never love me back, I'm ovulating and I just found out via facebook that yet ANOTHER of my high school friends is getting married and ANOTHER of my theatre community friends has been gorgeously pregnant the past 9 months and just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.
Jealously doesn't even begin to explain it.
But I am living my dream in NYC. But what good is a dream when you don't have someone to share it with? Or a child to pass it along to? (Although I do have Henny Penny to get my baby sillies out... so that's good, I guess).
I'm thinking of taking a lover to help get my "must procreate" out of my system. I have a work "boyfriend" from a previous job who's volunteered to fill the position for Lover to Miss Musical - I'm also taking other applications... but so far he's the only candidate. (good thing he's really hot and nice - think it will be a great endeavour for me.)
But would you really want to get married and have a family with a loser that you didn't really check on carefully before you 2 got hitched?
ReplyDeleteWhat is the deal with that essentially pornographic picture?! I'm all for marriage (assuming it is allowed equally for everyone) and child-bearing if you are able, but that picture has nothing to do with pregnancy and being a woman . . . it has to do with sex from and for a man's point of view. I love the blog! I think it's great! But no more pregnancy porn on it . . . it's too good for that.
ReplyDeleteOh, and thanks for the link! ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd, as to: "But I am living my dream in NYC. But what good is a dream when you don't have someone to share it with? Or a child to pass it along to?" Don't worry! These aren't the only options, even if our society only lays these two out. You can share your life through with more than a life partner and/or children. Blog, write, share; volunteer; do whatever you want whenever you want with the underlying tenet of "doing no harm." Legacy is not only about children and a husband and doesn't need to include either. Some of the best, most brilliant women I know aren't married and don't have children.
ReplyDeleteAll right, I am done commenting now. :)