Lovelies, I've been running errands for the Lady of the House today and I saw the most BEAUTIFUL man on the street! I winked at him. He looked at me like something was wrong with my eye. ...Oh, it's springtime, my hormones are telling me to make little Ms. Musicals and I've gotten to that point where I wink & smile at total handsome strangers. I actually enjoy flirting - but I'm not very good at it!
I actually had to think "flirt with this man" before I did it! I mean, I'm really good at being nice & laughing and all - and I'm pretty funny, but the actual "being sexy & flirting" thing is not my strong suit. How does one practice at this and get better - especially when there's only 1 in about 20 men who I'd even consider flirting with...
The other day I was on the subway. It was me, 5 other women, and close to 30 men... I only liked 2 of them! What is my problem?! I think I'm just a super picky girl.
Usually when I go on dates I have 2 requirements: 1. Do they make me feel like a good person? 2. Do they make me laugh? Those 2 things are at the top of my list every time! Of course, if both these things happen-- it's a jackpot!
Also, does anyone out there like men to call you on the phone? Not text, but call... I like them to call! Even if it's just a quick, "Hey, I was just thinking about you." I just like to hear their voice. It's nice, you know? Like when they ask you out at the end of the first date for the next date - it's just nice!
And I may have said this before, but I hate Hate HATE text messaging. Fine for when you need to know locations, etc - but to have a real conversation over texting - well that's just wrong. I love to hear vocal tone, how quick they can think on their feet, and most importantly - if they're good conversationalists. (SO important!)
I've found that most the men here in NY are happy going through life without a passion for anything, living blase lives & can't hold a decent conversation! WTF?!? I don't care if your passion is fly fishing or organizing your empty Cheetos bag collection - it's just gotta be SOMETHING!! (now because I'm a crazy person, my passion is my job - theatre, but it doesn't have to be that big -just give me a human who has a desire to get as much out of this life as possible!)
Perhaps it's true when Frenchy in the movie Grease says "The only guy a girl can depend on is her Daddy." But I sure hope there's someone out there who I'll be able to depend on in the future... Or maybe I just need to read the book above.